Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blog Post 008 | October 20, 2013 | "Ode to Silence"

 There are few places left
On this green Earth
Where it is truly possible to

There is always a hum, a whisper
Often banter
Or simply noise
Something pressing against our ears
Whether we want it or not

The common explanation is
That we have to live like this
Our machines and conveniences
Force us to pay their loud toll

But, I think the truth
Is something much deeper
If we flipped the switch
And shut it all down
We might finally be forced
To know what it is
That we
Most secretly
Most intimately


  1. I find it fascinating that, in order to write an ode to silence, one must seemingly pile up an abundance of the the opposite: noise. There's also pretty deep stuff in there, especially the idea that we are all somehow in charge and could thus, if we chose to, flip a switch. Finally, I'd say there's some form following function in the last 3 lines--actually the last stanza. Notice all those "s" sounds? Tell me you did that on purpose. Linguistically "s" and "m" sounds are soft sounds. The "m" sound is even closed-mouthed (a.k.a. the facial expression needed to be quiet). And "s" sounds are in keeping with the sound we make when telling someone to be quiet: shhhhhhhhhhh (imagine me putting a finger to my lips librarian style to call for quiety).

  2. I love silence as well, sitting, not thinking, but thinking. Mulling things over in my head. I like to go to the woods, for a walk, drown out the noises of the day, it helps me think, get rejuvenated. Sometimes when it is too quiet I too hear the hum, (of the lights) it gets so loud. Good job on your poem.

  3. This is great. I really liked this poem, it made you think, rather than just reading to read. Great job!
